Notification & Schedule of October Meetings
Public notice is given in terms of Section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 that meetings of the Clutha District Council for the month of October 2023 will be as follows:
Risk & Assurance Committee: Thursday 12 October commencing at 10.30am.
Regulatory & Policy Committee: Thursday 12 October commencing at 1.30pm
Corporate & Property Committee: Thursday 12 October following the Regulatory & Policy Committee.
Service Delivery Committee: Thursday 12 October following the Corporate & Property Committee.
Youth Council: Monday 16 October commencing at 6.30pm.
Council Workshop (on the Long Term Plan): Thursday 19 October commencing at 1.30pm
Council Workshop (on the Long Term Plan): Thursday 26 October commencing at 8.45am
Council Meeting (includes adoption of the Annual Report): Thursday 26 October commencing at 1.30pm.
Unless otherwise stated, the above meetings may be held in the Council Chambers at the Council Administration Office, 1 Rosebank Terrace, Balclutha.
Members of the public are welcome to attend.
Agendas can be viewed at or at your local community library.
Steve Hill
Chief Executive