Local Governance Statement
Local Governance Statement 2023-2025
The Local Governance Statement is a collection of information about how Council engages with the community, how Council makes decisions, and how the community can influence these processes.
The Local Governance Statement is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2002 and includes the following broad categories of information:
- functions, responsibilities, and activities of the council
- electoral arrangements
- governance structures and processes
- the way elected members make decisions and relate to each other
- the management structure and key policies of the council.
The purpose of local government (LGA Section 10) is:
(a) to enable democratic local decision-making and action by, and on behalf of, communities; and
(b) to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities in the present and for the future.
Functions and responsibilities
The Long Term Plan sets out the services and projects Council intends to deliver to the community over a 10-year period and how these will be funded. It also outlines the long-term vision for the Clutha District.
Legislation and bylaws
Key Council documents including Bylaws, Strategies, Plans, Policies, Governance and Reports are available from the publications section of the Council website.
Our rights, obligations and responsibilities are described in statutes, regulations and bylaws. To fulfil its purpose, Clutha District Council exercises powers and carries out its responsibilities through the following:
- local government legislation (which applies to all of local government)
- local legislation (which applies only to Clutha District Council).
Representation arrangements, and the electoral system and processes
Members' roles and conduct
- Delegations Manual.
- Code of Conduct for Elected Members – whereby Elected Members are bound by the Code of Conduct as set out in Standing Orders.
Governance structure, membership and delegations
- 2022-25 Elected Members.
- Council's Committee Structure and Delegations can be found in the Council Delegations Manual. Council Delegations Manual.
Meeting processes
- Agendas and Minutes of Council, Community Boards, and Committees are available online.
- Meeting calendar for all council, committee and sub-committees is available.
- Standing Orders are the set of procedures for conducting meetings.
Clutha District Council routinely consults with ratepayers and stakeholders on key decisions and plans. Details of current consultations can be found on our Consultation page.
Māori participation in decision-making
Clutha District Council, together with the Queenstown Lakes District Council, Otago Regional Council, jointly with the four Southland councils continue to fund and support Te Ao Mārama Inc, the agency approved by Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu to act on iwi liaison matters and supporting papatipu rūnanga in Murihiku/ Southland under the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Act 2002.
Work has begun to strengthen the relationship with Aukaha of Otago, the agency supporting papatipu rūnanga of Otago, with a view to contributing to funding and support. The papatipu rūnanga and the participant councils continue to meet quarterly at the Te Roopū Taiao hui, and on regular occasions papatipu rūnanga across Otago and Southland meet with Otago and Southland Councils. This provides for excellent partnership and exchange of information.
Council also acknowledges the local runanga, Waikoau Ngai Tahu South Otago Runanga, and liaises with them on matters that might be of relevance.
Management structure
The Local Government Act 2002 requires the Council to employ a Chief Executive whose responsibilities are to employ other staff on behalf of the Council, to implement Council decisions and provide advice to the Council.
Under the Local Government Act 2002, the Chief Executive is the only person who may lawfully give instructions to a staff member. Any complaint about individual staff members should therefore be directed to the Chief Executive, rather than to councillors.
Council management oversees ten departments:
- Chief Executive
- Finance and Policy
- Information and Communication and Technologies
- Libraries and Visitor Information
- Building and Regulatory Services
- Planning
- Infrastructure Strategy and Delivery
- Infrastructure Operations
- Community and Facilities
- Three Waters
Equal employment opportunities policy
Council reaffirms its endorsement of the principles of Equal Employment Opportunities. As a good employer it is committed to having in place personnel practices and policies which are fair and proper in the treatment of employees.
Council will ensure that all employment-related decisions are made objectively, in good faith, with good reason and through a fair process, irrespective of:
- Age
- Sex (including pregnancy and childbirth)
- Race or colour
- Ethnicity or national origins
- Sexual orientation (including gender re-assignment)
- Disability
- Religious and/or ethical beliefs
- Marital and/or family status
- Employment status
- Political opinion
- Being affected by family violence
- Involvement in union activities, including claiming or helping others to claim a benefit under an employment agreement, or taking or intending to take employment relations education leave.
Employment related decisions include:
• Recruitment
• Appointment
• Conditions of employment
• Training and development
• Promotion and transfer
• Dismissal
• Retirement
• Other disciplinary procedures
• Any other matters.
Policy and planning documents
We have a number of planning documents that provide details on our functions, goals and how we plan to achieve them:
- Strategy documents, including our Infrastructure Strategy
- Statutory planning documents such as the Long Term Plan, Annual Plan, Waste Minimisation Plan.
Contacts and Access
Information on how to contact Council is located here.
Contact details for Elected Members are located here.
Requests for information can be made by all members of the public:
- under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) and,
- the Privacy Act 1993.