Waihola drinking water FAQs
When will this change happen?
This occurred some time ago. Staff have undergone a full commissioning plan, intensive flushing of pipes and reservoirs and rigorous testing of the Waihola township to ensure Council was in a position to confidently lift the boil water notice and the aluminium advisory.
I live in Waihola, do I need to do anything?
Waihola residents especially those that do not live there full time, are advised to have their own water tanks cleaned.
How do I know which water supply I’m on?
Any questions or concerns, please contact Council on 0800 801 350.
Will this change the amount Waihola residents pay for water?
We believe there will be no changes to your water rates unless you have been loaded into our system incorrectly. Any questions or concerns, please contact Council on 0800 801 350.
Which properties on the North Bruce scheme will move to the new supply?
How can I get a new unit of water for my property in Waihola?
Please contact Council and we can consider your request for additional units.
I’m on North Bruce but would like to switch to the new supply, can I opt in?
At this stage this is not an option until we observe how the upgraded Milton Treatment Plant performs, particularly during summer when water is in more demand. Work is continuing to look at the recommendations received by the independent process engineer to improve processes at the North Bruce Water Treatment Plant to allow Council to potentially lift the boil water notice still in place for North Bruce consumers.
In 2022 a major upgrade of the North Bruce water treatment plant was completed. This saw $1.6 million of improvements to ensure water is compliant with NZ drinking water standards, also improving colour, and removing sediment.
Will prices change for people on the North Bruce water supply?
Not unless they are incorrect in our system.
Can people on the North Bruce scheme can apply for more units of water?
Potentially yes, but this decision would be managed by the North Bruce Rural Water Scheme.
Milton had restrictions because the reservoir was very low in the summer of 2022/23, is there actually enough water to supply Waihola as well?
We believe recent upgrades to the Milton Water Treatment Plant have addressed this issue, however if we have a very dry summer, stringent water restrictions could be considered.
Milton sometimes has issues with the taste and colour of water due to minerals, will Waihola experience this too?
We believe recent upgrades to the Milton Water Treatment Plant have addressed this issue.
Do I still need a water tank?
Waihola is still a restricted water supply, and all households are required to have a tank with at least two days’ storage (2000L),