Draft Speed Management Plan Consultation

We’re proposing changes to speed limits in the Clutha District, to improve safety in line with the Government’s nationwide ‘Road to Zero’ campaign, which has a target of reducing deaths and serious injuries on our roads by 40% by 2030.
Consultation has now closed on Clutha District Council’s draft Speed Management Plan 2024 – 2027. This will be made up of four documents:
- Draft Speed Management Plan 2024 – 2027 – Safe Speeds Around Our Schools
- Draft Speed Management Plan 2024 – 2027 – In Our Urban Towns
- Draft Speed Management Plan 2024 – 2027 – In Our Rural Towns
- Draft Speed Management Plan 2024 – 2027 – On Our Rural Roads
We have drawn upon insights from experts such as consultants and road safety specialists, as well as feedback from our community, we have shaped the approach outlined in this document.
Submissions closed 15 December 2023 at 5pm.
Whether you drive, walk, cycle, or use public transport, everyone deserves to get to where they are going safely.
Although speed is not the only factor in a crash, it determines whether someone is seriously injured or killed.
The goal of the Government’s road safety strategy, called “Road to Zero”, is to have no loss of life on New Zealand roads. We are determined to ensure all road users are as safe as possible on our roads.
Our draft speed management plan is one step towards making it safer on our roads. As part of this, we consulted on all the speed limits on our local roads in our district and how this will be managed on our local road network.
The draft speed management plans have four main focus areas:
- Safe speeds around our kura/schools. We propose to do this by introducing a 30km/h permanent speed limit for most schools in the district. The other schools will have a 60km/h permanent speed limit.
- Safe speeds in our urban towns. We are proposing to keep the urban speed limit of 50km/h in our towns – excluding roads located within the school zones
- Safe speeds limits in our rural towns. Some of these speeds limits are no longer appropriate.
- Safe speed limits on our rural roads. We are also proposing to lower the speed limits on our rural unsealed roads and proposing to maintain the 100km/h speed limit on our rural sealed roads.
New Zealand has committed to decisive action on road safety under Waka Kotahi NZ Land Transport Road to Zero: New Zealand's Road Safety Strategy 2020–2030.
Road to Zero adopts a vision for New Zealand where nobody is killed or seriously injured on the country’s roads, streets and footpaths, with a target to reduce annual deaths and serious injuries by 40 per cent by 2030.
The Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2022 provides a new framework for setting speed limits across New Zealand, through speed management plans that address recommended safe and appropriate speed limits, related transport infrastructure and speed monitoring cameras.
Where can I find out more?
You can read more on our proposed principles and priorities in our Draft Speed Management Plan documents here.