Keeping Stock
In the Clutha District, stock must be kept in a manner that is unlikely to cause a nuisance or create a danger to human or animal health. This includes the health and safety of the stock being kept, so owners must ensure that stock is adequately provided for.
Fencing and containment
All stock must be adequately contained by fencing or tethering to ensure that they cannot wander and access roadways or other property, and all road gates to paddocks must be able to be securely closed, unless driving, leading or riding stock.
Council can require the owner or person keeping stock to install or upgrade fencing if it is considered that the fencing is not adequately containing the stock it is intended for.
Any rivers, lakes or area of coast adjoining the property that stock are kept should be protected from the adverse effects of stock.
Any stock shelter or stable must be built and maintained in compliance with all relevant regulations.
Nuisances and endangerment
Our authorised Council Officers may require the owner of the animal to take action or may impound stock that has been deemed to be causing a nuisance or creating a danger to human or animal health. If an animal is impounded, its owner will incur an infringement fee as well as any costs associated with the care of the animal during the time of its impoundment.