Animal Control
Our Animal Control team has a range of responsibilities, including ensuring that all dogs are correctly registered, responding to complaints of wandering stock and barking or nuisance complaints, maintaining a register of dogs in the Clutha District, and providing impounding facilities.
There is also a strong educational focus for youth and dog owners.
As well as this, Animal Control has the function of administering and enforcing the relevant legislation and bylaws, such as:
- The Dog Control Act 1996
- The Animal Welfare (Care and Procedures) Regulations 2018
- The Clutha District Council Regulatory Bylaw 2022 (Parts 3 and 4)
Currently, the Clutha District has over 7,000 registered dogs, the majority of which are non-working dogs.

Contact Animal Control
By phone: 0800 801 350 or (03) 419 0200
By email:
In person: 1 Rosebank Terrace, Balclutha
By post: Clutha District Council Animal Control,PO Box 25, Balclutha 9240
The Clutha District Council office hours are 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
After Hours Contact
Clutha District Council operates a 24/7 after hours service. The CDC Animal Control Officer can be contacted at any time by phoning 0800 801 350.
Our Animal Control staff are here to help you. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Report a Problem or Make a Complaint
For all complaints, problems, or to report a lost or found dog, please contact Animal Control by calling 0800 801 350, or click here to submit a service request.
Missing, Lost and Impounded Dogs
If you discover that your dog is missing please contact us on 0800 801 350 or 03 419 0200. The pound is open to the public by appointment only.
Keep an eye on Council's Facebook page for updates about dogs that have been impounded.