Clutha residents are encouraged to reduce the use of plastics. It regularly ends up as waste in our landfills. It can be difficult to recycle packaging and products. Plastics interfere with our recycling systems and are often used only once before being disposed.
The Government is introducing new regulations to phase out
problematic plastics. From 1 October 2022 it will be illegal to provide, sell
or manufacture certain hard-to-recycle and single use plastic products in New
These include:
- Single use plastic drink stirrers
- Single use plastic cotton buds
- Plastics with pro-degradant additives (eg. some bin liners, dry cleaning bags and pet waste products)
- PVC food trays and containers used for products including meat, fresh produce or baked goods
- Polystyrene takeaway food and beverage packaging (eg. takeaway containers and cups)
- Expanded polystyrene food and beverage packaging including food serviceware and grocery products (eg. instant noodle containers).
For an overview of the products included in these bans visit Phasing out hard-to-recycle and single-use plastics.The guidance includes a description of the banned products, and information about exemptions and suggested alternatives.
Further plastic bans are expected to come into force in 2023 and 2025 visit the Ministry for the Environment website for more information about this.