Construction of the Bruce Community Facility to proceed
Clutha District Council will proceed with the construction of the Bruce Community Facility, a new community library and pool facility including a six-lane swimming pool.
At the Council Meeting yesterday (5 December 2024) Council also agreed to the “Direct Appointment” of Calder Stewart as the contractor for the Bruce Community Facility Detailed Design and Build.
Mayor Bryan Cadogan said this process had challenged Council like none he could remember.
“It butted up against the two values that I’m sure all Councillors adhere to, supporting their communities and keeping rates down,” Mayor Cadogan said.
He said the consultation showed the decision was split right down the middle and many of the comments also split.
“Let’s now get this pool and library finished and get the most that we can in positivity for Milton and the wider district.”
He acknowledged the underlying challenges around the finances were still there.
“Let’s get focused on solving the three waters problem because that’s where all the debt is.”
To ease some of the financial burden on ratepayers, for the $15.5 million that would have been funded by rates, Council approved providing a $2.5 million grant from Council’s Investment equity, which is consistent with the same amount applied to Te Pou Ō Mata Au, and an interest-only loan of the balance for a period of 2 years. The 2 year period is aligned to the next Long Term Plan and is consistent with several submissions that supported the project but considered it wasn’t the right time.
While the decision had been consulted on previously the updated total budget for the facility came in at around $20 million and triggered the need for further consultation.
Over 600 submissions were received with 49.7% in favour of the new facility and 50.3% were against.
63% from the Bruce rating area supported the new facility.
The next stage is to commence the detailed design including updating the cost estimates.
Council looks forward to working with the Bruce Communities Facilities Trust who are also raising funds to help financially support the project.