Notification and Schedule of September Meetings
Public notice is given in terms of Section 46 of the Local Government Official information and Meetings Act 1987 that meetings of the Clutha District Council for the month of September 2022 will be as follows:
Risk & Assurance Committee
Thursday 1 September, commencing at 10.30am.
Service Delivery Committee
Thursday 1 September, commencing at 1.30pm.
Regulatory & Policy Committee
Thursday 1 September, following the Service Delivery Committee
Corporate & Property Committee
Thursday 1 September, following the Regulatory & Policy Committee
Committee of the Whole (if necessary)
Thursday 1 September, following the Corporate & Property Committee
Council Meeting
Thursday 15 September, commencing at 1.30pm
Youth Council
Monday 19 September, commencing at 6.30pm
West Otago Community Board
Wednesday 28 September, commencing at 10.30am
West Otago RSA, 51 Northumberland Street, Tapanui
Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board
Wednesday 28 September, commencing at 3pm
Lawrence Service Centre, 5 Peel Street, Lawrence
Unless otherwise stated, the above meetings will be held in the Council Chambers, Clutha District Council, 1 Rosebank
Terrace, Balclutha.
Members of the public are welcome to attend.
Agendas can be viewed on the Clutha District Council website.