North Bruce – Boil water & aluminium reminder
Council reminds people on North Bruce water schemes that a boil water notice and an aluminium advisory is in place.
About the boil water notice
Council advice anyone using water from their tap for consumption (including teeth cleaning and food preparation such as washing fruit and vegetables) to boil it for 1 minute before it is used.
North Bruce residents can fill up clean containers from the public tap at the Waihola Domain, situated behind the public toilets.
Council has been working with an independent water engineer to improve processes at the Moa Flat and North Bruce water treatment plants. Council has started an Organic Carbon Filtration trial at the Moa Flat plant and we hope this will be a successful solution to lift both of the boil water notices. This trial will need to run for three months before we are confident of long-term success. If this does not work, we will work with the Rural Water Scheme Committee on further options.
You can read our boil water FAQs at
About the aluminium advisory
The aluminium advisory remains in place as test results continue to show some elevated aluminium levels from time to time.
Read more about the aluminium advisory including advice and the latest test results at
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