Kaitangata - Planned overnight water shutdown - Tuesday 27 March
Planned overnight water shutdown
Thursday 27 March, 9:00pm to 5:00am
Clutha District Council’s contractor, Isaac Construction, will be completing essential water network connections in Kaitangata on Thursday 27 March 2025.
This requires an overnight water shutdown to ALL PROPERTIES IN KAITANGATA, between 9pm and 5am. All residents in Kaitangata that are on the town water supply will be affected.
We expect that the water supply will be switched back on between 3am and 5am on Friday morning.
A traffic management plan will be in place at the intersection of Water Street and Clyde Terrace, and access to properties will be available for residents. Our contractor will be working to minimise disruption, however there could be disruption to parking, noise and we may require the use of driveways and road access on occasion.
In the event of bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances, this work may be rescheduled.
Working safely on our roads is a priority for Council and Isaac Construction. The worksite is isolated and there will be safety signs to manage risks and the safety of residents and staff.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Should you experience any additional difficulties, please ring Council on 0800 801 350.
What you should do to be ready:
In preparation, please fill your own containers with water to ensure you have enough to meet your needs while the water is shutdown.
We’ll do everything we can to restore your water supply as soon as possible, but please be aware that if things do not go as anticipated, it is possible that your water may be off for longer. Please make sure you have enough water put aside in case this happens.
What to do once your water supply is restored:
It’s likely you won’t need to do anything, but sometimes water works can stir up sediment in the pipes or create air pockets in the pipes. If you notice that your water is discoloured or there is air in your pipes, please turn on one outside tap and run it until the water runs clear.