North Bruce – Boil water & aluminium reminder
Water Notices
Moa Flat & Heriot - Boil water & aluminium reminder
Water Notices
Waitahuna, Balmoral, Tuapeka East– Boil & advisory reminder
Water Notices
Tuapeka West RWS - Boil Water Reminder
Water Notices
Summer water restrictions end
Water Notices
North Balclutha - disruption to supply
Water Notices
Kaitangata overnight water shutdown complete
Water Notices
Wangaloa RWS - Disruption to supply
Water Notices
Tapanui – Boil water reminder
Water Notices
Clydevale Pomahaka RWS - access request
Water Notices
Richardson South RWS & Kaka Point - Boil water notice lifted
Water Notices
Stirling, Benhar, Cherry Lane, South Bruce RWS - Boil notice lifted
Water Notices
Clydevale/Pomahaka RWS - Possible disruption to supply
Water Notices