
Notifications from us to you
Want to be alerted to what's going on in your neighbourhood and beyond?
Antenno is a free mobile app that sends you notifications and alerts about places you care about. It is easy to use and no personal information or log on details are required.
No need to check multiple sources of information either - Antenno sends information directly to you.
We'll send you information about things like water shutdowns, road works, rubbish/recycling collections, community events and more.
You can choose the places you want to be alerted about. This might include your home, workplace or where your kids go to school. You can opt out of topics that aren't of interest to you.
Reports from you to us
You can also use Antenno to tell the council about things that need to be fixed or give us feedback direct through the app.
Seen some graffiti, found a pot hole or have a new idea? Go to the 'Your reports' menu and add a report to tell us about it. Your report goes directly to our customer services team.
Getting started
All you need to do is install the app from the App Store or Google Play and add the places you want to receive information about. The app will notify you when there's a relevant alert.

Got questions?
Why do I have to save places as specific addresses, why can't I save the whole district?
The aim of Antenno is to provide relevant information for places you care about. If it was broader, Antenno posts would start to resemble a social media feed that you need to sift through to find messages relevant to you. If something comes up that affects the entire district, you'll still receive a notification.
Can I opt out of a topic for a specific place?
Yes, even if the places are in the same area. As an example, if you save your work address (where you don't want to receive recycling reminders) and your home address (where you DO want to receive recycling reminders), you can choose to opt out of receiving recycling reminders for your work address.
Sometimes notifications seem to be delayed, why?
The app requires either a WiFi connection or mobile data to receive notifications. If you are somewhere without WiFi and don't have your mobile data on, you won't receive new posts until you are connected again.
Sometimes I don't get a notification for a long period of time, why?
If there hasn't been any incidents or information relevant to your saved places you won't be sent any notifications! Don't worry – Antenno will let you know when something happens.
If I have more than one place saved, how do I know which area the notification is for?
Each notification shows which of your saved places it relates to, by displaying the places' nickname at the top left.
For example, if you have saved three places (your home, your work and your rental property for example) you will see that for a rates reminder (a district wide message) all three nicknames appear at the top as this post is relevant to all three places.